Friday 8 February 2013

Someone to keep us all under control

Measuring up to the height of one heavyweight male rower’s zyphoid process, she can speak English very fluently even though she hails from Montreal. In an ideal world, this coxswain would find herself enjoying wine, chocolate and a book; or everyone would have already bought their Gala tickets. She is known to have been quite irritated with a couple of the rowers on the lightweight men’s team when the borrowed her camera and successfully took over 600 pictures in under 2 hours at a regatta – 550 of which were not of rowing. On the lookout for low priced food and clothing, she is accompanying us to Georgia in a coaching capacity. Generally known for being highly sensible and organized, she is known to occasionally do insane things such as biking all the way from London to St Catherines for schoolboys. Her serial posting of vegan recipies to facebook makes us all suspect that she is actually vegan. Though, occasionally we all get invites to French club poutine nights from her, then again poutine is awesome. Some say that she’s seen Seinfeld 1 780 times, and for some reason she’s allergic to the Dutch, and there’s an airport in Russia named after her. All we know is, it’s Natasha Caminsky.

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