Sunday 17 February 2013

Random Circuits and Cherry Coke

This morning we awoke to a beautiful sky, though a brisk temperature right around the freezing point. After a quick breakfast, which was slightly prolonged and agonizing due to the toasters which pretty much require the piece of bread to constantly be held down if you want anything other than ‘slightly warm bred’.  We were antagonised by the presence of large jars of peanut butter placed on each table which we were not allowed to touch due to a small peanut allergy in our group. Jill especially seemed to find this very irksome due to a little bit of a fetish (dare I call it that) for PB. Oh well, we will all survive.
We arrived at the lake all very excited to get the boats rigged up and get on the water. Unfortunately this wasn’t so doable because of the not so little white caps on the water due to the wind. This meant we got to go do a circuit training/erg/core/whateverMattfeltlikeatthetime circuit. It was a pretty good training session, but we still weren’t on the water. That means that thus far this trip we have driven through snow in the dark, slept, and done land training because the water was un-rowable. Remind me again why we left Ontario, it seems to me that all of these things could be accomplished staying at home.
Oh, right, now I remember why we’re here – the all you can eat dining hall at Brenau University. Good food and for an awesome price. This is a place which still has Cherry Coke, which I think says pretty much all that needs saying. However, I think I can talk about this a bit more. Matt was highly disappointed by the ice cream machine being out by the time he got there (I seem to remember something from last year to the effect of ‘I think later I’m going to hook my mouth up to that ice cream machine’).
Later this afternoon we headed back down to the lake to go for a second row, well really a first row, but I like calling it a second row more than an afternoon row after a random erg, circuit, random workout thing. Anyway, the wind had come down a bit, though it was still rather rough at the dock, which made pushing off rather difficult. There’s also a contribution from the odd orientation of the dock relative to the shore/wind/ramp/universe.  Suffice to say, we got out for a nice row which I think everyone enjoyed, or lied about enjoying, or put themself in the lead for this year’s dolphin award. After we got off the water there was a bit of a dash to get to dinner because we were hungry and tired and the food place is awesome.
I forgot to mention a highlight from yesterday’s travel. When we stopped to get gas in the town of Lima, Ohio, Jill found white Resse’s cups. As one might expect, they are regular Resse’s cups, but with white chocolate instead of milk. They were a cool novelty, but I can’t really say they were better than the regular cups.
Dolphin Award Tally:
Maria: 1
Everyone Else: 0

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