Wednesday 6 February 2013

I had a post title, but it got hacked

Measuring a whopping 0.0010606061 miles high, she is an athletic force to be reckoned with, whose almost best known achievement was winning the 2012 beer Olympics on an all female novice team. As a lightweight rower, the thing which she is most looking forward to during the upcoming trip to the USA is eating at Chipotle. She was on the trip last year where her random shotgun obsession came to light. I’m not going to elaborate on that one. Ideally, she would find herself sitting in a onesie (aka snuggie) watching the bachelor.  Some say that she once hacked into her own facebook account and that in her wallet, she keeps a photo of her wallet. All I know is, her name is Jill.
This post would have been longer. However, it seems that her facebook profile was hacked yet again, and so instead of finding useful information there, all I found was a tidbit about her bowel regularity.  The next status update also had a rather fishy nature, I believe it was something along the lines of going to a Monday class ‘au natural’ if the post gets liked enough times. So I went further back in statuses, trying to find something of relevance. Unfortunately, no such luck, yet again another hacked, but most definitely entertaining status.
The picture, similar to the picture from my description is of her passed out. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find another one I wanted to use. So here we go, another sleeping picture.

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