Tuesday 19 February 2013

Selfies and Circuits

Derek’s Log:  Stardate -310136.41
This morning we were greeted by some very British Columbian skies. For those who are unsure of what that means, it means cloudy, grey skies and of course rain. Fortunately, the rain stopped before we got out on the water, so we didn’t all get soaked while on the water. Well Jill did get soaked, but that may have been courtesy of the person she was rowing behind. Instead of doing leapfrog like last year (or more accurately ‘ridiculously unfair leapfrog’ like last year), we did 2’ on 2’ off. This made for some fun pieces.  During this workout, I was running my GoPro in various different locations on my boat to create some different shots. All I will say about the footage is that you can take video-analysis to a new level. One of those things that will make Volker say ‘ach so, this thing I like very much’. Some of that video will hopefully be posted as part of a compilation video in a couple days.
Lunch was spent debating over the merits of the movie ‘parent trap’ and discussing the fame, fortune, etc associated with the Olson twins. A bunch of scholars we are. At least making bad Star Wars, Star Trek and Transformers references, we were not. There is/was (well technically is because I’m writing this part this afternoon) some debate about switching the free afternoon to today because of high wind predictions. As of yet I don’t know when if or when we will be rolling out for our second practice.
As it turns out, we did end up heading for the boathouse this afternoon. It also turned out to be too windy.  Some of us (Mark, Dave, Jerome and Sara – to be specific) decided to head for an actual gym, while the rest of us went an did a core circuit workout, and then played ‘ultimate ball’. The circuit was fun/challenging enough. Ultimate ball is just Matt’s way of having us play ultimate Frisbee without actually having a Frisbee. This is a good thing seeing as we are rowers and so have abysmal hand-eye coordination. Even when using a big, soft ball, we still have terrible hand eye coordination. Suffice to say I shouldn’t have tried that trick shot, it didn’t go so well – to say the least.
Also worth mentioning is the number of odd pictures/videos that were taken in my car between the park where we played ultimate ball and the dining hall for dinner. I believe there may also have been a Dancing Queen video. Not 100% sure on that one, trying to stay focused on driving.
Below are links to three videos, the first one is a 20 second teaser video for the big video from the trip that we’re working on. The second is our attempt at a Harlem Shake video. The third is a core strength competition as prescribed by Dr Dan Bechard.
Also, I actually looked up the stardate, it is accurate for 7:00pm on the day of posting.

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